20 December 2015

Christmas card diy board

     Hey guy, sorry i haven't been blogging again recently, but you know how it is around Christmas, busy, busy, busy.

     I thought I would share my idea with you guys,  I started this last week to store my Christmas cards, instead of having them all over my room. 

    Things you will need:
- An old painting,
- some paint, I used Annie Solan white chalk paint,
- A painting brush,
- Sandpaper 
- string and pegs, I used a sting with birds on there already,
- A Christmas sign,
- scissors
- ribbon  
- Drawing pins.

     Firstly lie newspaper or an old sheet on the floor, so you dont get any paint on the floor . Lie the painting flat onto the floor. You might also want to wear a pair of gloves and some old clothes so you don't get yourself in a mess. 

     Then go on to start painting, do one even layer of paint all over. Wait around 1 or two hours depending on how quick the paint dries. Then go on to do the second coat of paint.

     Then wait for the paint to dry completely and a even amount of paint all over. I got some sandpaper and lightly rubbed down the corners of the picture, to get the orginal colour of the frame to come through, to give it an old look. I did this all over the frame to give it that old feel, but try not to get too carried away with it, as it will look abit over-done.

     Using drawing pins, pin the string into the painting at what ever level you want. I started at the top with the merry Christmas sign, then went on to do two more rows. If you are using string and pegs, just pin on the string, then put on the pegs. My string already had pegs on so I was okay, but it is just as easy to put on the pegs. You maybe also want to cut the string to size to make it look neater. 

     Your board should start to look a bit more like Christmas now. I finished the board of with a nice ribbon bow at the top to compete the board. 

     Then your board should look a little something like this . You could also but fairy lights on the board to make it even more like Christmas ! 

     Hope you enjoyed this blog, and I wish you all merry Christmas. Please send your picture to me on my twitter, I'm always interested to see how you guys got on.

Smileyxchloe  xxx 

7 December 2015

Maybelline gel eyeliner

     Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted for a while, but you know what it's like this kind of year with Santa coming soon!
     So I picked up this eyeliner last week in boots, "maybelline gel eyeliner". This is suppose to stay on for up to 24 hours. In my head I thought no chance, but I gave it a go. This eyeliner did in fact last all day long, I put it on at 8am for work and when I went to bed at 11pm it was still in tact. No smudges. Also this eyeliner is very black, which is good and some of the gel liners only go on lightly. 


     It also comes with a brush, which is very easy to use. Basically you just put a little bit of liner on the brush and in one stroke it is done. Very quick and efficient and for just £6 it is a very good bargain. I have been using this for a few weeks now and it does not seem to be going down, so I think it will last a good amount of time. Also there is a smudged on the opposite end of the application brush, but I haven't used it. As I am not really sure what to do with it. If any of you know how to use this smudge brush please let me know.

So here is a picture of me wearing the gel liner, and as you can see it is a very intense black. 

     I will defiantly be using this a lot, but I will mostly use it at night time, as it looks a bit dramatic for the day time. But overall a great product and if you are new to gel eyeliners, this is a great product to give a try, with due to it being very affordable and very easy to apply.

Thanks for reading guys,
Smileyxchloe xxxx 

Today we did the Don't Laugh Challenge.

     We did the Don't laugh Challenge, still can't believe what my boyfriend did to me!!! Be sure to check it out and thanks for all the new subscribers and support. Keeps us hungry for more and hopefully you enjoy!!


25 November 2015

Today we did a bit of shopping at the bull ring in Birmingham, here is our new vlog on youtube. Hope you enjoy and jamie ate all the donuts!!!!! Greedy pig.

Our thoughts go out to all the families in france who lost a loved on in the attack.

9 November 2015

Bella Pieree

Hey guys, so today I am going to blog about Bella Pierre mineral eyeshadow. I got this eyeshadow in one of my Love Me Beauty Box's, which I no longer have due to it being the same thing every month.  Before receiving this eyeshadow in the beauty box I must say that I had never heard of the brand before. As it was a mineral eyeshadow I was very excited to give it a try. And I was most defiantly impressed. 

The shade which I have is called "Lava", which is a lovely gold colour. This eyeshadow is great and you only need to use the tiniest bit to cover your eyelid! The eyeshadow last's all day long and does not smudge. I will defiantly buy this brand again and can't wait to use it around Christmas time! 
This is what the eyeshadow looked like ....

Thanks for reading :) 

4 November 2015

Tresemme platinum strength

    Hey guys, so I know that there are a lot of shampoos out there and I have pretty much tried the lot! Well within reason. But recently I used some of my friends shampoo, Tresemme platinum strength and from the very first use I love it!  Even the way it lathers in your hair feels nice, also you don't need to use too much either to cover your hair, just a small squirt in the palm of your hand. I have very long hair. I have been using both the shampoo and conditioner and I am 100% satisfied that it does exactly as it says. This is that the shampoo and conditioner used together visibly repairs your hair for up to 2 years worth of damage. Which is pretty impressive. I do dye my hair an awful lot so my hair has most defiantly had a lot of damage done to it.


     So, I have been using this shampoo just short of two weeks and I wash my hair most days. My hair is feeling a lot softer and it feels as though it has more bounce, more volume and it defiantly looks like it has more life. I would 100% recommend this shampoo to anyone that has there hair dyed regularly. 
     My hair is now also a lot easier to comb, as usually it is very notty due to my hair being dry, but now that I have used this shampoo, it is a lot easier to comb and not much of my hair is actually coming out on my comb, so that is a plus! 
   Also at the moment I have seen that it is half price in Boots at just £2.63 a pot! 
Which is a bargain for Tresemme. I have done my stocking up! 
Why don't you give it a try? For £2.62 what have you got to loose. 
     Give it a try and let me know what you think, or if you know a even better shampoo give me a comment I love to try new products. 


1 November 2015

So today we did a pumpkin challenge, we always do this every year. Here is the pictures of the pumpkins, which one do you think is the best. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to subscribe for more.

26 October 2015

Bare minerals

        Hey guys, So you have all probably heard of BareMineral's and today I am going to take it to the test. Last week one of my freinds gave it a try, but as it was a little on the expensive side. I was abit optermistoc about giving it a try. However when browsing around my local Txmaxx, I was presently surprised when they had a varies of BareMinerals in stock.

        This is my kind of heaven! So I choose my shade light, as I am pretty pale and I took the Gorgeous & glowing kit to the till, along with a few other products. At the price of £24.99, that was a big bargains seeing as my Freind had pay £120 for her make up.
        Anyway I took it to the test and as my face is covered in freckles, I had a feeling that it wouldn't do a thing for me. But I was proven wrong! It was amazing and I was very surprised with the coverage it actually gave me, coming from a powder . 
    This is how it went..... 

        So first of all I made sure that my face was make-up free and then went on to priming my face. I do not yet own the bare minerals primer, so I used my own no7 primer, which I think is great. 
     This is my face at the beginning. 

     After the primer had set into my face I began to apply the powder to my face with the brush provided in circular motions. I repeated this on my whole face and this is how it looked.

    After this I applied the colour boost, which is like a bronzer/contour and hightler, which is a great product in itself. I then applied the lipgloss which was also in the kit and to my surprise, it is almost like a lip pumper. It has a very minty taste and tingles your lips for a while. 
This is how I looked with everything applied.

Overall I think that this kit is a top buy at a cheap price, if you get it from Tkmaxx and I know this will most likely be stocked until after Christmas now. So get down there for a bargain while you can! It's worth every penny. I may even go and buy another one myself. 
     The coverage is great, the feel of the make up on your face is great, it almost feels you have no make up on at all, there is no ugly ring marks around your face and it does what it says on the packet. It gives you a Gorgeous glow. This make up also lasts a long time, I went out at night with it on and hours later I came home looking exactly the same. 
     Will defiantly recommend and defiantly buy again! 
     Thanks for reading, hope this has given some of you the courage to go out and buy it and I know you will all look amazing. 
           Smileyxchloe xxx 

22 October 2015

Whisper Challenge (Youtube)

Hope you enjoy todays challenge, as some viewers will know, I'm winning!!!
Hope you enjoy and please subscribe as it all helps, thanks.

14 October 2015

Make up challenge

Hey guys , so I know this is not an actual blog as such, but seeing as I blog about make up and beauty , here's one for you, This is a video of me and my boyfreind doing the make up challenge.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IBLwn7JIW40 Check it out and see who's the winner . Also please subscribe us on YouTube which we do regular video blogs together.
Let us know what you think :) 
Thanks guys 

7 October 2015

Today's Vlog

Guys here is our latest blog, it was a pleasure to film. Hope you enjoy and if you liked it that much, then please subscribe as it all helps. Thanks for the support and your kind words guys.

SmilexChloe xx

5 October 2015

Curls with no heat

hey guys, 
     So I am going to do something a little different today, I'm going to show you how to do a quick, easy, simple hair tutorial on how to get your hair curly without any heat at all! Which is always a plus.
So here we go.....
    First of all wash your hair as normal, then towel dry, So that it is damp and comb until there are no nots. After you have done this, section your hair down the middle and begin to twist the hair down the front of your face to the back, then twist as tight as possible and twist it into a bun. As pictured. 

Then simply grip your hair up tightly and ensure that it does not come out in the night. 
In the morning take out of the twists and just run your fingers through the hair but do not comb. 
This is what your hair should look like.

Easy, Simple and it Looks great !

Thanks for reading,

Summer glow all year around on a budget

Hey guys :),  it's been a while .. But I have been testing out as many products as I can .
     So today I am going to post about how to get the perfect summer glow all year around.
We all know that summer is becoming a thing of the past now and the winter months are fast approaching. And we all need that summer glow all year around. I'm not the kind of person that would be in the sun tanning shop to get a fake tan all over or even to go on sunbeds. I prefer to have a more natural glow as and when I want it, only mainly for nights out and special occasions and i really I only tan my legs as one thing I do hate is tights! Every time I put a pair on they are sure to be ripped within the hour, so they are pretty much pointless.
     Anyways back to the point, for my summer glow I don't pay an awful much, i always buy St Moriz self tanning mousse. This can be found in many high street shops and the price starts at just £3 for a 200 ml bottle, which for me lasts a good 6-12 months, but it would obviously depend on how often you would use it.

     For best results I usually have a bath then exfoliate my legs with just some general body scrub. I also use some exfoliating gloves, which I picked up from the pound shop which are pretty good. Then I apply the mousse to my legs with a mitt, which I also got from the pound shop. This helps me to spread the mousse evenly and it stops horrible brown stained hands! This tan is great as it is instant, when I say instant I mean that it goes on tanned at first so you can go straight out the door, but It does develop more over the day.
Here is a picture when first applying. (Right leg is before and left is after just applying )

And here is a picture after a few hours.

I think that this fake tan is overall great, it does not streak and it does not go horrible around your ankles and feet like some of the other tans around. Also it comes off very easy with warm water. If any patches do appear the next day which often they do, you can just apply another layer of tan and it covers up very well.  St Morisons comes In either a medium or dark shade so you can choose which shade you prefer. I use medium and that is enough for me as I am generally very pale.

Also it's great to drink a lot of water all year around to maintain healthy skin and hair.It's also important to eat a proper diet. If you don't know where to start, Aloha.com is a great place to discover some delicious healthy meal ideas. 

To create this healthy glow all year around it will only cost around £5 maximum so there is no excuse. Try it out, what do you have to lose.
Give me a comment and let me know what your favourite tan is.

                  Thanks for reading.

24 September 2015

Hey guys , sorry I haven't been blogging much . I have been doing YouTube videos with my boyfriend. Why not check them out , and let me know if you like them. And also let me know if you would like me to do any youtube videos on my own and what kind you would like me to do ! Would love to know what you all think . Here is the link to the  Jamie&Chloe channel   . There is also a competition going on at the minute ! So why not subscribe and enter . I am currently testing out some new products so should defiantly be doing some Blogs soon.
Thanks guys !
Smileyxchloe.  Xxx

31 August 2015

No7 lipstick

      Hey guys, I have had a very busy week again! Me and the boyfriend have been away for a few days and then we visited the Harry Potter Studio. So it has been a busy one, but loads of fun.
     So today I'm going to blog about my new essential lipstick! No7 Match Made Stay Perfect Lipstick, and it does stay perfect and that is why I love it. 
      So I've not always been a real lipstick fan as the majority of lipsticks that I have used previously just wear off within the hour. So I do get most of my make up from no7 and I do find that it's a great quality of make up, so I thought why not give it a go (Plus I did have a £3 off voucher) which is always great! 
      So I got the lipstick for £6.95 instead of £9.95, which is great value for money as it is a decent size so I think it will last me a long time. 
   I put this lipstick to the test, and I was very surprised how long it actually lasted! Even my mom kept saying to me have you re-applied that lipstick, as I applied my lipstick at 9.30 am and no joke at 3pm it was only just starting to fade away. Even then it was still obvious that I had colour on my lips.      So in this time I had a lot of drinks and I had eaten my dinner and also snacks too. I honestly thought it had stained my lips and that it wasn't going to come off ! Lol
      So the lipstick is easy to apply as it is has a pointed end and it gives good coverage and also lasts a long time. What more could I ask for. Also No7 has a great range of colours and also the staff are very helpful. Also a cool thing that I thought was that as you all may know that No7 match your foundation for you in a Machine, well they then have cards above the lipsticks which the different shades of skin and say which lipstick would go with your skin tone. I thought this was great as usually I only go for the pink shades but this time I went for more of a orangey red shade and I loved it! 

     So thanks for that No7 I will defiantly be buying your lipsticks again! And I will defiantly recommend it to you guys. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed. 

Here is a picture with me wearing the lipstick. The colour that I am wearing is Auturn Whisper. 

Also check out my new video blog just uploaded 

Thank you. :) 

23 August 2015

Thanks guys!

      Hey guys, thank you for everyone's support on my blog over the last few months! I appreciate all the views I have recieved on my blog and nowhere near imagined the amount of views that I have had. So thanks a lot for the support. I hope you all enjoy my post and if there is anything you want me to blog about just drop me a comment.

   Me and my boyfriend have also just uploaded our first ever vlog on YouTube, check it out and see what you think. Any feedback would be great . 

Thanks guys. 
Smileyxchloe x

17 August 2015

No7 Beautiful Eyebrow Sculpting Pencil

     Do you colour in you eyebrows ? I know I feel better,if I have a bit of colour to my brows.an Eyebrow pencil shapes and defines your eyebrows. So for the last few months I have been using just a brown pencil to shade in my brows , but I do find that it used to smudge. Which trust me isn't a good look. The No7 eyebrow sculpting is £8.00 and is very easy to apply, with one side being a eyebrow brush, which is good because if you have eyebrows anything like mine they are wild in the morning. And the other side is a angled crayon which is very handy, as it's angled to the same shape as your eyebrow unlike a normal pencil. So with one stroke across its done making it a lot easier and quicker than a normal pencil.Also there is no sharpening which is a bonus as it just twists up. 

 One the left is what my eyebrows look like when using this product.  And on the right is without 

I love this product and will defiantly be using this for a long time! And I'm sure if you try it you will love it to.

Thank you for reading 

10 August 2015

Micellar water

Hey guys, sorry that I haven't been blogging much recently! I have been a very busy bee. I have been on a new diet, which has taken up a lot of my time at night as I have had to cook and prepare food which I'm not used to haha.
 Also I have been helping my boyfriend , Jamie with his children's book. If you would like to check it out here is the link. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/battlebay/id913616749?mt=11
It is a great short read and there are two now avaliable on ITunes. 
 I also have started Adult Colouring which is great! And takes up a lot of time as it is very addictive. It's not as childish as it sounds and it is very relaxing. Give it a try.
     So overall I have been a busy bee, but starting this week I am going to carry on with my regular blogs. If there is anything you would like me to check out or review just comment and let me know.

RIght to my actual blog........

     So i have heard alot about Micellar Water on the TV and also a lot of bloggers have been on about it. So I thought I would give it a try. 
    Right so Micellar Water, it sounds like something strange right! I Thought the exact same thing. Basically it's a make up remover, I have tested a few make up removers out and I've always pretty much choosen the make up wipes. 
 This is the bottle that I got which I bought from Asda, it only costs  £1 as it's only a small bottle. So it's not bad for the price, as It will last a good few uses. 

 So I tested out the Micellar Water out compared to my genreal make up wipes and here's how it went.

    This is before I took off my make up.

And this is when I took off my make up with the Micellar Water...

So as you can see it has removed my make up when applying the water to some cotton pads. I did find that I had to use a good few cotton pads to get rid of my make up. I thought that it seemed to be smudging around my face, which I heard was not suppose to happen when using this, but it did for me. Also I found that as I was using the cotton it made my eyes very red and sore. 

Overall for £1 I do think that it's good value for money and it does work, but it is still as time consuming as using make up wipes. If anything I would say it takes longer, as you have to keep applying to the cotton pads. I will probably finish off the bottle I have, but won't be in a hurry to buy anymore. 
    I will be sticking to make up wipes and I don't think there is any product that will take me away from them. Does anyone know any good make up removers ? Give me a comment and let me know . 

Thank you for reading my blog
SmileyxChloe xx

22 July 2015

Maybelline Master Sculpt Contour

Hey there, 
So I know everyone has been going mad over contouring, so I thought why not give it a try? 
      I wasn't really sure on what to buy as I know you can get powder and cream, so anyway, I went to Boots and had a look around and I came across Maybelline Master Sculpt Contour powder, which comes in a little box with the powder, mirror and the brush for £6.99. I thought that was great value.
For a few days now I have been practicing with the contour powder and have been watching a few videos on how to do it. 
  I used the contour brush provided, but it seemed to just go on in a straight line and it didn't blend with this brush. It also felt hard and stubbly on my face so I used one of my own contour brushes by Real Techniques.

    So my first reactions were that this just looks like I have mud on my face! Then after blending it, it  didn't really make much of a difference i thought, I was not keen on the Highlighter either as it was shimmer based. And I hate shimmer based make ups. 

   Here is the picture of me wearing the product.

  Overall I do not like this product and most likely will not use it again. I feel it is a waste of time as I do not look any different with it on. Maybe I shall try a cream contour next and see what happens. It would be a good value of money if it actually works, maybe it works for other people but it defiantly doesn't for me. Leave a comment if you have used this product found it actually works . 

Thanks for reading

12 July 2015

A very busy week

Hello everyone ,
     Sorry it's been awhile since I last blogged, but I have been a very busy bee over the last week.     So last weekend me and my boyfriend Jamie went to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix, which was great .We went both to the Qualifying and the race. 

 We really enjoyed that and we also went to Bicester designer outlet which was good because who doesn't love shopping?!!!
     Also our B&B that we stayed at was beautifull, the B&B was called Merton Grounds, which was in Bicester. It was a converted country house, which had its own private lake and had a mile long drive of lovely seniory.

Will defiantly be going back there, the views were great, the room was great and the breakfast was delicious. Worth the money. 
     Then after we came home Sunday night I packed my suitcase to go on holiday with my Nan to Potters Resort, which is just near to Great Yarmouth. Me and my nan very much enjoyed it and it was great to spend quality time with my nan for the week.  Also the entertainment there and the food was great. Safe to say we shall be on diet's next week.  :)

So after a very eventful week I haven't been able to review any products, So this week I will be trying out a few products and will be blogging back to normal very soon .

Thank you

30 June 2015

Sleek Make Up Nail Polish

      First of all, I would like to say thank you to Product Testing UK for sending me this product to review and having an opportunity to blog for them :). 

      So the product that I was sent was a gel nail polish by a brand that I have not heard of before, which is "Sleek make up".  This was in the shade Waikiki, which was a coral colour.

     My first impressions were that it looked a great summer colour and I couldn't wait to use it. Especially with the lovely weather we are having at the moment!

     When applying this nail polish it does go on very thick, which is both a good thing and bad. It's good as it does cover the nails well, but then it's bad as I think that this makes the nail polish chip more easily.  When i used this nail polish I did apply two coats and I still thought that it looks a little patchy in places, but didnt apply another layer, as I thought it would defiantly chip quicker then.

     The nail polish had a great high shine finish, but I do think this nail polish is not really for me. I usually like a more full coverage nail polish. I must say that this nail polish did make my nails feel a lot stronger, which I thought helped a lot as I hate it when I break a nail! Don't we all  :)

     So overall I would say that this nail polish has both it's advantages and disadvantages. I would probably use again, but would try and apply 3 layers to see if the coverage was any better.

    After applying, the nail polish did start to chip the very next day, which I wasn't very happy with because I thought, with it being a gel polish. It would last a good few days without chipping.

     Thank you for reading, don't forget to comment below if you have any questions or follow me on Twitter

22 June 2015

Seaweed & Aloe Eye Gel - Amphora Aromatics

First of all I would like to say thanks to Bloggers Required for sending me this lovely product to review.  I was very excited to be able to review this product, as I have never before used anything of this brand, also I have never used a eye gel. I have not really used any other form of make up remover other than make up wipes, so it is a very different experience to just using a wipe.
     To use this product you just apply this gel to the eye area, I usually just use one small pump to each eye. Rub it in circular motions for 10-20 seconds, then wipe off with a cotton pads.
     When first applying this product to my eyes, my eyes had a burning sensation, which I was a little worried about. But after using this product for a few days, the burning went down andIi figured that the product must heat up when removing the make up.
     Also when applying after the burning it has a very cool tingling sensation, which does last quiet a while. This to me is the only down side to this product, as I don't really like the tinging sensation. But then others probably do.
     This eye gel is very good, as it does two jobs at the same time. It removes make up and also soothes and cools tired eyes. Before using this product my eyes were very red and tired looking, but after just 6 days of using this product my eye are noticeably less red and they do look more refreshed and less tired.
     So if you have had a rubbish nights sleep, or suffer with tired eyes this is the product for you!
I have also compared this to my normal technique of removing make up and I will say this is as equally, if not better results. My eyelashes are also noticeably more soft which  is also a good thing.

     Overall I would say that this product has better results than a normal make up remover, but on the other hand is more time consuming than just a wipe. But if you use both eye cream and a make up remover you would save time, but personally I just use a wipe. So this product has its advantages and disadvantages. Also one good thing about this product is that it is made of natural ingredients, so you are not putting any harsh chemical onto your eyes.

     I received a sample sachet of Amphora Aromatics Lavender Gel and Tee Tree Gel.
The Lavender Gel is a Multipurpose gel which is soothing and antiseptic and the Tee Tree Gel is anti-fungual and antiviral gel.
    These two products are also made with all natural ingredients.
I have used the Lavender gel on a small burn that I have got on my arm, this seemed to soothe the burn and reduce the swelling. Would defiantly use again, as I hate it when you have a burn or cut and it goes all red and swollen. This product seemed to work very well, as I only applied it twice and the swelling seemed to go down very fast. The Lavender Gel could also be used for insect bites.

     On the sachet of Tea tree gel it says that it is for insects bites and erases fungal infection, but as I do not have either at the present moment, I could not use this for either problems, but I did use it on a spot on my forehead and after applying twice to the spot it did reduce in almost half in size and appeared a lot less red. I would not recommend this product for spots, as I am unsure if this is the correct thing to do with it, but it defiantly worked for me ! :)

To buy all these product and to see the results for yourself go to AAskincare  

This was my eyes after using Seaweed & Aloe Eye Gel for the first time. As you can see my eyes are very red.

This was my eyes after just 6 days. Almost normal colour and no redness. 

Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment below for any more questions or follow me on twitter. 

18 June 2015

No7 Instant Illusions Airbrush Away Primer

     Before this product I did not use any kind of primer and I thank the No7 assistant for recommending this product, as it is literally a life saver!
 Sick of make-up coming off your face on a night out? Never again with this primer.
When first thinking about a primer, my thoughts were, why would I need that? That won't work!
But I assure you it does! This is my no one essential for a night out. 
I apply this primer after I moisturise my face and you do not need to use much, as a little goes a long way. This also makes your face very smooth and even.  Your face will feel smooth and moisturised after using this product. You will also use a lot less foundation. Foundation just glides on your face and you use around half of the foundation that you would normally use. This will make your foundation last longer and saving you a few pennies. 
     This primer does not only just prime your face, but this product has light diffusing particles, which are designed to make your face younger and more flawless, as it puts wrinkles, fine lines and pores into soft focus. 
     I also think that when using this product with both a moisturiser and foundation, that my freckles are more covered than when I just use a foundation. 

Overall I love this product and would defiantly recommend it to anyone who would like there foundation to stay on all night long. I also use No7 Beautifull Matte foundation. 
This pictures shows me when using the primer.
This photo shows me using the same routine but without the primer and moisturiser 

As you can see my skin looks more glowing and more of an even skin tone than the bottom picture.
You can buy this product from Boots for £19.50, sometimes you can get a £5 off voucher on skincare, so if your not willing to pay full price, get it for just £14.50 with a voucher. 

Thanks for reading, any questions then feel free to comment below or on twitter.

12 June 2015

Magic minerals JML

     As you may have seen on TV, JML are doing a compact powder, which is supposed to conceal correct and cover your face. So what JML are trying to do is make an affordable make up, which does the job of both a foundation and concelear. This compact foundation does not come in shades and is supposed to work for any shade of skin. Which I don't really understand, as there are a very different range of shades of skin.
When I saw this product advertised on the tv, I thought it looked great and for a reasonable price of just £9.99, I thought to myself, why not give it a try.

     When opening the compact, which the the brand name is "Jerome Alexander," who is a well known make up artist, I was curious to give it a try. This is not like a normal powder foundation, as it has different colour mineral shades within the palate. They are as follows, Pink, mint, lavender and yellow.
When first looking at this, I was a little worried, as I thought maybe that I would get patches of different colours on my face! but that wasn't the case.
So I have given the product a trial for around a month now and what I would say is, do not apply with the sponge provided. Use a normal powder brush and give your face a good few coats. This will give a natural coverage and does defiantly even out your skin tone hiding any red blemishes.
I do not think this product is magic, but it does luminate your face and makes pores look more flawless.
If a natural light-medium coverage is not your cup of tea, then this product will not be for you.
I use this product in the day time for work, which is great, as it feels light on your face and doesn't fade off though out the day.
I do also use this product if I want a heaver coverage, but usually I do my normal foundation routine, then use this just as a powder over the top. Just to give a more flawless look.
This product is not powdery, as it may look and I would say that it is defiantly not magic!
But I will continue to use this for work and to use as a powder over my make up.
Overall it is good value for the money, but do not think that the advertisement and the pictures advertised are accurate, as it is not both a foundation and concelar, it's just like other mineral foundations, except this has the different colour pigments within the palatte.
This is me with no foundation on and as you can see I have a lot of freckles, as the sun has finally made an appearance! I also have some red blemishes on my chin and red circles around my eyes.

This is me with just the magic minerals compact foundation on. This compact foundation has hidden some of my freckles and makes them look less noticeable, but you can still see them lightly. My skin tone looks more even and my face looks more radiant and awake. Also it has considerably hidden the red blemishes.

Thanks for reading 
smileyxchloe x

7 June 2015

Love Me Beauty Box Review May 2015

So I was very happy this month when receiving my Love Me Beaty box, when I opened it, to my surprise I had two free gifts :)   Everyone loves a free gift, don't they! So not only had I got the 4 items in which I had chosen, but I had in fact got 5 items and a free make up bag. So needless to say I was very excited.
 The same as last month it came in a silver sturdy storage box with the logo on the top, which no doubt I will find  a good purpose for. This month I got two free gifts, I didn't get my products in the usual drawstring bag. I got it in a nice fabric make up bag saying "Beauty lies within," which was great and I will defiantly be using this to store some of my make up in. It's also great, as when it get's dirty I can just chuck it in the washing machine.

The items in which i choose this month were:

  • Lord & Berry- Is this love ? Lip trio (purple shade) full size RRP £10.00   2 Credits
  • Lord &Berry eye pencil and shadow (steel grey shade) full size RRP £11.00 2 Credits 
  • NailsInc Gel Effect nail polish (uptown shade) full size RRP £15.00 1 Credit
  • S5 purity Serum sample size RRP £7.33 1 Credit
  • Welda Oat Replenishing shampoo sample size free gift

Lord & Berry, Is This Love Trio - When ordering this online, I loved the look of it, the cute packaging and the colours looked great (they looked pink). But when my product arrive, it wasn't pink, in fact it was purple. Purple is not my kind of look, so I was not very excited about trying it out because I knew it wouldn't look nice on myself. The first colour on the left, it was very creamy, almost like it had been in the sun for an hour, but it had no kind of texture. Also when using the brush, it digs a whole in the lip glosses, as it is a very hard ridged brush, which I hate having holes in my lip glosses! So the first colour is a shinny lilac lipgloss, not to bad if put on lightly. When putting two layers on to build up the colour, I did not like it. I will just stick to a light coat of this in future. The middle colour was a little more like a cream than a lotion, but the colour is hideous, will defiantly not use. Looks like I'm going to a fancy dress party. The colour on the right is also a creamy lipgloss which isn't too bad, same as the first one. it's a okay, as long as only one coat is used. when  I build the colour up, it's almost white, which isn't a good look?. Overall I thought the lipgloss would be great for my handbag, especially with the handy mirror, but wish that the colours would have been pink and not purple. 

Lord &Berry eye pencil and shadow. I loved the colour, as its something different to the average black eye pencil, but I do think I will be using it more of a eye shadow than a eye pencil. Great for a smoky eye look, which I do love. The pencil does go on very smooth, which is a plus. The sponge on the end is suppose to help you smudge the pencil, but I don't know if it was the way I was using it, but to me it just seemed to erase the shadow more than smudge. On a plus side its a great eraser! :)

NailsInc Gel Effect Nail Polish, as you may have noticed from my other blogs, I am a bit of a nail polish addict. I love to try out different colours and brands. And was plesently surprised with this nail polish, I know that NailsInc is a good brand, but have never actually used it before. This polish was a Gel polish, which has a great glossy finish. Also I would say that it lasts a few more days compared to some of the other polishes I have used. I will defiantly use this in the future, its a great neautural colour and has a good coverage! 

S5 Purity serum, Blemish prone skin. I have been using this since receiving my box and so far, so good.  I have been applying this to my face after removing make up at night, I usually do not apply any serums. So I have never really had much experience with one, I expected it to be of an oily consistency, but it was more of a runny moisturiser. It does seem to have reduced the pink patched in my skinny, and my skin feels fresh and healthy. Will defiantly continue to use and most likely buy the full size product. This product also does not have any harsh chemicals as it is 99.6% natural products. I think if I continue to use this serum on a daily basis that overall, I will have a blemish free face with less frequent breaks out. 

Welda Oat replenishing shampoo. Thank you Love Me Beauty for my free gift. I am always after a good shampoo to keep my hair looking health and in good condition. When reading the shampoo I found it was for dry and damaged hair. I was quiet excited to use this as a I do dye my hair often and have to keep on top of looking after the condition of my hair, as it does go quiet dry if I do not use a good shampoo and conditioner . This shampoo has a strong smell to it and i can't put my finger on what it smells like exactly. I have used this for the past week and it seems to be working well. My hair has not been dry and looks to be shiny and healthy looking. The shampoo doesn't lather up as much as a regular shampoo, so it does seem as though I have to use more shampoo than normal. But overall I do like the shampoo and if I continue to see the good benefits of this shampoo. I will be buying the shampoo in full size. And would love to try out the conditioner, so I can see full benefits of both shampoo and conditioner together. 

Overall once again I loved my Love Me Beauty Box! This months box was worth a great £44.00 plus the free gifts. I love Love Me Beauty, as its always great to pick your own products. I will continue to buy Love Me Beauty, as every month is like your birthday.

Don't Forget if your subscribing to Love Me beauty to use the PROMO code YAMQ39 to get an extra credit 
Thank you for reading! :) 
smileyxchloe xx

2 June 2015

May Favourites

Today I will tell you guys about my products I used though out may.  I use these products on a daily bases.
These are the items that I am going to share with you, that I used though out the month.  

  • Models Own-  HyperGel Purple Glare Nail Polish  - £5
  • Models Own- Apple Pie, Fruit Pastel Nail Polish - £5
  • Models Own - Ibiza Mix Hed Kandi Nail Polish -£5
  • Models Own- Artsix Nail Polish Duo- Nude Jack -£5.99
  • Models Own Gel Eyeliner Black -£5
  • Sainsbury's Nail polish pads £1.00
  • Mac -False Lashes Extreme Black Mascara - free sample
Models Own-  HyperGel Purple Glare Nail Polish
 I bought this nail varnish as I love the colour,    (At the moment I'm loving the pastel colours:) )
I also bought it, as it's a gel nail varnish, which I think is great and easy to apply. So when I use the nail varnish, I did need to put on two coats to get the full coverage. But I must say it did indeed have the glossy finish to it like the gel polishes. Great summer colour, Great price, lasted a good few days without chipping. So overall a great product.

Models Own- Apple Pie, Fruit Pastel Nail Polish
 I bought this nail varnish again as it is a great summer colour, also it claimed to be apple pie scented, which was a smell to die for. I wouldn't say that it smelt exactly like apple pie, but it most defiantly did not smell like a strong nail varnish. I also had to do two coats with this nail polish and it applied very good. Not too runny or too thick. The finish of the nail polish wasn't as good as gel polish, but was still a must for summer. 

Models Own - Ibiza Mix Hed Kandi Nail Polish
 This is a glitter polish, which you can never get enough off! I loved this nail varnish, as you can build up the amount of glitter that you want on your nails. If you only want a little bit, you just have to apply one coat, but if you want to cover your nail with glitter, you need a good few coats. So I will defiantly be using this a lot.

Models Own- Artsix Nail Polish Duo- Nude Jack
  I loved the look of this nail polish, as it is a duo polish so you get two nail polishes, one nude colour, which was great. On the other end it was a shimmer glitter, which is a very cute glitter, which you can apply over another nail colour and it makes it shimmery/glittery. Great polish and loved the idea of two polishes in one, as you can never have too many nail varnishes, can you! 

Models Own Gel Eyeliner Black
 I never used a Gel eyeliner before, so I was very excited to get this product. At first I thought maybe it would be a little hard to apply, as its just a pot of gel and a brush, but actually its not. Its great, I would say that its actually just as easy as using a normal liquid eyeliner. If not better, as you have more control over it and I thought that it was easier to get close to the eyelid and it didn't make the line too thick. I will defiantly be using this on a regular basis. 

Sainsbury's Nail polish pads
 I had to include this in my May favourites as I absolutely love these nail polish remover pads. They work really good, better than some of the more expensive brands. When I first bought these pads, I thought they would be useless and I would need to use all of them to get my nail polish off. But no, believe it or not, I only used one pad for both hands. And I must say that they smell amazing! Didn't smell one bit like nail polish remover, they smell very fruity, which was a plus!  Great for the money and will defiantly be using these forever :) 

Mac -False Lashes Extreme Black Mascara
 So when I brought my Mac lipsticks in the previous blog, the assistant gave me this free sample of mascara, which was great. I have always wanted to try out their mascara, but always thought it was expensive, I never got round to buying it. It does exactly what it says on the packaging. When using this mascara, around three different people have asked me if I was wearing false eyelashes, but actually I had just applyed this mascara. They made my eye lashes long and curly. Great for going out of a night-time, I wouldn't use it in the day, as its probably a bit much. But thank you Mac for the free sample, I will defiantly be buying the full size product when I run out. 

If you want to know any more on these products, comment below or follow me on twitter.
Thank you for reading, any advice or tips would be great  :) 

30 May 2015

Mac lipstick

Mac Lipstick

I have been hearing a lot about Mac Lipstick recently, so I thought why not give it a try? I was a little apprehensive at first because the price is a little high for a lipstick (£15.50), but then I thought about how long it would last and that swayed me enough to give it a shot.
I went to the local Mac store to choose a lipstick and there was so many to choose from, I didn't know where to start! 
I was like a child in a sweet shop deciding, but I wanted to make the best choice. 
I thought I would choose two different lipsticks, one a more natural shade, and one a more pink 'going out' shade. 
In the end after trying on a fair few shades i choose, Chatterbox and Creme cup.Which the names themselves are very cute.  
I couldn't wait to try them out!
This is how my lips looked before.

This was my lips with the natural shade Creme Cup
And this is Chatterbox

(I know I don't have a top lip, and I'm not the best at applying lipstick on my tiny lips)

So I put the Mac lipstick to the test, to see how long it would last and how it felt on my lips.
The lipstick was easy to apply, but as I only have small lips the end of the lipstick was a bit too wide,   hence why I went out of the lines a little (OOPS). I think maybe if I was going to use this lipstick every day I would struggle because it is not as easy as some lipsticks/lipglosses to apply. I couldn't do it without a mirror or I would have it all around my face . Which wouldn't be a good look. But maybe if I used a brush to apply it with it would be neater and a lip liner might help with the definition of my lips.
The lipstick is also a very creamy texture and I would not advise putting it in a warm place as I think it would probably melt.
Other than that the lipstick is very good. It does not stay as long as some of my other lipsticks but I would say this is still one of my favourites! I don't mind having to re-apply after food, you can't expect it to last all day. 
I do really like the two shades that I had chosen, as the natural shade is great for every day use and just defines the lips and makes them look shiny compared to dull natural lips. And the pink shade is a very nice shade too as it is bright and visible but defintly not too in your face.
Overall i am very happy with my investment and can't wait to try some more shades. 
Thank you Mac and thank you for reading :)