20 December 2015

Christmas card diy board

     Hey guy, sorry i haven't been blogging again recently, but you know how it is around Christmas, busy, busy, busy.

     I thought I would share my idea with you guys,  I started this last week to store my Christmas cards, instead of having them all over my room. 

    Things you will need:
- An old painting,
- some paint, I used Annie Solan white chalk paint,
- A painting brush,
- Sandpaper 
- string and pegs, I used a sting with birds on there already,
- A Christmas sign,
- scissors
- ribbon  
- Drawing pins.

     Firstly lie newspaper or an old sheet on the floor, so you dont get any paint on the floor . Lie the painting flat onto the floor. You might also want to wear a pair of gloves and some old clothes so you don't get yourself in a mess. 

     Then go on to start painting, do one even layer of paint all over. Wait around 1 or two hours depending on how quick the paint dries. Then go on to do the second coat of paint.

     Then wait for the paint to dry completely and a even amount of paint all over. I got some sandpaper and lightly rubbed down the corners of the picture, to get the orginal colour of the frame to come through, to give it an old look. I did this all over the frame to give it that old feel, but try not to get too carried away with it, as it will look abit over-done.

     Using drawing pins, pin the string into the painting at what ever level you want. I started at the top with the merry Christmas sign, then went on to do two more rows. If you are using string and pegs, just pin on the string, then put on the pegs. My string already had pegs on so I was okay, but it is just as easy to put on the pegs. You maybe also want to cut the string to size to make it look neater. 

     Your board should start to look a bit more like Christmas now. I finished the board of with a nice ribbon bow at the top to compete the board. 

     Then your board should look a little something like this . You could also but fairy lights on the board to make it even more like Christmas ! 

     Hope you enjoyed this blog, and I wish you all merry Christmas. Please send your picture to me on my twitter, I'm always interested to see how you guys got on.

Smileyxchloe  xxx 

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